Thursday, April 12, 2012

April RS Activity

April night time Relief Society was titled “Easter Walk”.  We met as a groups after the opening exercises and went through some scriptures and then went on a hunt inside the church for objects that were placed throughout  the church that related to the scripture. Mark 15:17 was the first scripture which speaks of the crown of thorns placed on the Savior’s head, so we looked for something pointed. A stem of a rose bush was placed for this scripture.  John 19:17-18 was the next scripture which talks about the cross. A piece of wood was placed in the church for that scripture.  Luke 23:46 which talks about the death of Jesus was next, a  fallen leaf was place to represent death with the hope of new leafs in the spring meaning new life.  Next was 3rd Nephi 8:23 which talks about the great darkness that came with the death of the Savior. A black scarf was placed to represent the darkness.  Mark 15:46 talks about the great stone that was placed in front of the sepulcher.  A rock was used for this representation. And the last was Matthew 28:5-6  where it speaks that the Savior had risen from the dead. A tulip was placed to represent the hope the Savior brings. At each place we spoke about the meaning of the scripture. It was enjoyed by all who attended.

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