Saturday, April 28, 2012


Edison Barron Leffler was baptized April 28, 2012 by his father, Doug Leffler.  He will be confirmed Sunday, April 29, 2012 by his father.

Jerry, Madysen and Dicota Gillespie was also baptized April 28, 2012 by John Lavern Baker, Grandfather.  They will all be confirmed Sunday, April 29, 2012.

Friday, April 27, 2012

Golden Green Ball
Friday April 27, 2012
7:30 pm Franklin Stake Center

The stake got together and every ward did a floor show. Then there was a family dance following!


 These are a few of the other wards performances!

Sunday, April 22, 2012

Mission Homecomings and Mission Call

Elder Visser returned home from his mission!!
Sister Sarina Burbank completed her mission!!

Brother and Sister Lucirani mission call
Employment Center
Logan Utah

Saturday, April 21, 2012

Community Canyon Clean Up
Meet at the Church
April 21 (Saturday) at 8:00 A.M.
Come help clean up our beautiful Canyon!
Enjoy some yummy Refreshments too!

Thursday, April 12, 2012

April RS Activity

April night time Relief Society was titled “Easter Walk”.  We met as a groups after the opening exercises and went through some scriptures and then went on a hunt inside the church for objects that were placed throughout  the church that related to the scripture. Mark 15:17 was the first scripture which speaks of the crown of thorns placed on the Savior’s head, so we looked for something pointed. A stem of a rose bush was placed for this scripture.  John 19:17-18 was the next scripture which talks about the cross. A piece of wood was placed in the church for that scripture.  Luke 23:46 which talks about the death of Jesus was next, a  fallen leaf was place to represent death with the hope of new leafs in the spring meaning new life.  Next was 3rd Nephi 8:23 which talks about the great darkness that came with the death of the Savior. A black scarf was placed to represent the darkness.  Mark 15:46 talks about the great stone that was placed in front of the sepulcher.  A rock was used for this representation. And the last was Matthew 28:5-6  where it speaks that the Savior had risen from the dead. A tulip was placed to represent the hope the Savior brings. At each place we spoke about the meaning of the scripture. It was enjoyed by all who attended.