Tuesday, April 12, 2011

Standards Night

Standards Night

Young Women Medallion

Jamie Benson, Kylee Hubbard, Kristy Knapp & Sydney Oliverson
Congratulations to these young women on their accomplishment.

The stake challenged the young men and young women and their leaders to read the Doctrine and Covenants by the first of March. There were 2 wards in the stake whose youth and leaders responded well to the challenge and Mapleton was one of the wards.

Young Women and Leaders

Amelia Wallis, Jamie Benson, Jill Knapp, Sydney Oliverson, Kylee Hubbard, Haley Taggert, Kristy Knapp, Katie Gregory, Lena Porter, Megan Porter, Jocelyn Thain, Ariel Alder, Becca Visser, Abby Ray, Brixell Burbank, Ronda Alder, Mary Lucherini, Amy Burbank, Michelle Hubbard, Tamara Bowles, Michelle Porter
and Shirlene Halford

Young Men and Leaders

Peter Gregory, Seth Gregory, Jaqson Belnap, Luke Wallis, Derrick Porter, McQuinn Belnap, Clayton Jensen, Devin Porter, Blake Belnap, Reese Gregory,
Doug Wallis, and Weston Bake

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