Thursday, April 28, 2011

April Pack Meeting

The Core Value for April is Faith. For pack meeting, we talked about the 10 commandments and how they can help us in our lives. For the opening game, the Bear den helped everyone plant vegetables in a plastic cup and then have the faith that they can take care of it and help it to grow into a plant. All the Scouts there earned the tree segment which also ties into the opening game and our value. The Wolf den had a game for everyone to play and the boys had a great time with that. Our Early Bird Drawing winners were Bud Burbank and Amber Sears. The den leaders handed out awards and Jaeddenn Bake earned his Bear badge. Our new Cub Scouts this year are Tyson Hull, Dawson Leffler and Nicholas Hansen. We had cookies and water for refreshments afterwards.

Saturday, April 23, 2011

Canyon Clean Up

We had our annual canyon clean up the day before Easter
and had a great turn out!!
The Easter Bunny even showed up and left easter eggs scattered all over
the canyon, what a fun surprise!

Friday, April 22, 2011

Golden Green Ball

Aronic Priesthood Retreat

Went to Cub River Lodge

Friday Night

BBQ Sandwiches
Dutch Oven Potatoes

They talked about Priesthood Keys, Leadership and Missions

Treats Ice-cream Bars
Played Games



Training by the Missionaries


Went to Grolls Gym
played Racquetball and Water Basketball

Sunday, April 17, 2011

Scout Camp

For the scout spring camporee. We prepared for a nice spring camp at Twin Lakes. But what we got was a nice winter camp instead. We started off with a fast set up camp and then started our dutch oven dinner. It was a dutch oven cook off with the top 4 getting prizes. We got second. Then seduled in for the evening when it started to snow so we got the wood stove out and warmed the tent and enjoyed the night messing around. Come morning the ground had light snow but every one had survived. Saturday was the day of compitition. We placed 1st in fire building, 2nd in plant identification, 2nd in knots, 2nd in best camp. 5 awards counting the dutch oven cook off. NOT BAD but we all had fun.