Sunday, November 18, 2012


Young Women In Excellence
Sunday Nov 18, 2012
Theme: There's No Place Like Our Heavenly Home
Speakers: Sister Halford spoke to the girls
Musical Number: Abby Ray, Lena Porter,
Bishop Spoke
Speaker: Sister Johnson spoke on Personal Progress

Girls read a skit on Dorothy returning to her heavenly home

All the girls had there projects displayed for all to see.

Megan Porter planned the whole night out and did such a wonderful job. She passed of a project by doing the planning!  Thank You Megan for all your hard work!!

Sunday Meeting

Lena Porter received her YW Award and Completed all her requirements!!

Taylor Hartly received her YW Award and Completed all her requirements!!

Baby Blessing of Lydia May Wilson daughter of
Andrew and Chelsi Wilson

Sunday, November 11, 2012

Mission Call

Sister Knapp, 
you are hereby called to serve as a missionary of 
The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, 
You are assigned to labor in the Norway Oslo Mission. 
You will report to the Provo Missionary Training Center on January 23. 

Thursday, November 8, 2012

November RS Activity

Brother and Sister Benson Spoke on Gratitude
Sister Gregory Read a Christmas Story
The Sisters all made Gratitude Baskets to give to members of the Ward

November was “Thankful Baskets” where sisters who came brought things from canned soup to books to place in boxes and give them out to different people in the ward to show appreciation for the work they do. There were 4 boxes and I know one was given to the R.S President who tried to decline but they insisted that she receive one, and one was given to the Bishop. I’m not sure where the other to went but I’m sure they were greatly appreciated. Kathy and Matt Benson were present to speak to us about being thankful and they did a wonderful job. We always appreciate hearing from members in the ward and their willingness to help in our meetings.

Wednesday, November 7, 2012

Sunday, November 4, 2012

Baby Blessing

Tate Jared Ray
Birthday: August 27, 2012 
Blessing date: Nov. 4, 2012
Son of Jared and Jenny Ray
Blessed by his Father
Sunday Nov 4
Day Light Savings Don't forget to change your Clocks and get an extra hour of sleep!!
Daylight savings tips

Saturday, November 3, 2012


Joseph Morrison was baptized and confirmed by his grandfather on  November 3, 2012.


Saige Hansen was baptized and confirmed on November 3, 2012 by her father, Ryan Hansen. 

Women's Volleyball

The Women in the ward had a fun time playing Volleyball!!
Thanks to all those who could come out and join the fun.