Thursday, September 13, 2012

September RS Activity

The September night time R.S theme was “Chicken Soup for the Soul”. We had different sisters bring the ingredients for a Chicken Noodle soup and then we placed the ingredients in the pot as we talked about what each ingredient meant. #1 was “Preparation”, we spoke of music and how it can bring the spirit into the home. #2 was the “Broth” which represented the Gospel in our lives. #3 was “Seasoning” which represented the importance of scriptures. #4 was “Vegetables”, which represented the prayers we should daily and in our hearts always say. #5 was “Chicken” and that represented the importance of the Holy Ghost. #6 “Noodles” were all about service and Sharon Knapp demonstrated how to make home made noodles. #7 “The Rolls” represented the Savior and how he is the bread of Live. We also spoke on simple acts of service and after the soup was made it was taken  to a family in the ward. Deb Hull made us a delicious big pot of Chicken noodle soup for us to eat. 

Tuesday, September 11, 2012

Young Women Personal Progress Night

New Young Women Presidency so they decided to get to know the girls and find out where they all where at in there Personal Progress.  They all dressed in pink or as many "P" Items for the evening. They had pizza and punch and played PLay ground games.