Sunday, January 29, 2012

Church Meeting

Baby Blessing of Ryder Burbank
Blessed by her father Joe Burbank

Brianna Thain advanced from Primary to Young Women's!

Thanks to all who have been released from your following callings:

Sister Dursteller- Primary Teacher
Sister Gregory- RS Teacher
Sister Giles- 1st Coun. in RS
Sister Amy Burbank- 1st Coun. YW

The following have been Called:

Amy Belnap- 1st Coun. in RS
Tammy Porter- 1st Coun. in YW
Becky Giles- RS Teacher
Ellen Gregory- SS board

Thursday, January 26, 2012


For our January Pack Meeting, we had a Space Derby. The boys decorated and built their own rockets and then we raced them against each other. Bud Burbank, Kyler Gifford and Tanner Thain were the winners. They all seemed to have a great time. Roper Sears set a goal to earn all the electives before he left the Webelos group. Tonight he earned four more, which are the Engineer, Communicator, Craftsman and the Showman. He only has 2 more to complete. Tyson Hull received his Wolf badge along with a Gold and Silver Arrow point. He is now going into the Bear Den.

Sunday, January 22, 2012

Church Meeting

Sunday January 22nd
Ariel Alder received her Beehive Award and advanced to Mia Mades.

Thursday, January 19, 2012

RS- Yearly Craft

The RS got together for those who would like to make HOME decorations. It was our first time getting together and having fun doing crafts.

Thursday, January 12, 2012

Bee Spiritually Smart

January RS Meeting 
Bee Spiritually Smart

 Brother Bradfield (Seminary Teacher)

 Sister Moser (High School Health Teacher)

Sunday, January 8, 2012

Church Meeting

Today at church we had some new callings:
Sister Amber Sears- Primary
Sister Linda Hansen-Primary
Sister Debbie Hull - Scouts

Young Women Awards
Kristi Knapp received her Laural Award
Jocelyn Thain received her Mia Made Award
Congratulations Girls!!

Saturday, January 7, 2012

Death of Ettmo Hull

We are sorry to hear of the loss of Ettmo Hull. He will truly be missed. Thanks to all the love and support to the family for those who made meals and helped with the services.

The funeral was held Saturday January 7th, 2012.