Monday, December 26, 2011

Vanessa Burbank

Josh and Jenny Burbank have added to there family. Baby girl today 6.9 lbs 17.5 inches her name is Vanessa

Tuesday, December 13, 2011

YW Activities for Dec

December 3rd – The youth participated in the Stake Night of Nativity Choir

December 13th – YM/YW were in charge of the Ward Christmas party. The YM made the dinner plans and preparations, the YW prepared the program. The program was Christmas Traditions around the Ward. We had families volunteer to share their own family traditions for Christmas. The YW also sang & performed Christmas carols.

Ward Christmas Party

The Youth were in charge of the Christmas Party
The Young Men did dinner which we had a Mexican Dinner!
The Young Women Sang song and arranged for the Class room Traditions for Christmas.
The Family's that had rooms:
R Gregory Family
D Burbank Family
Lucherini Family
Fitzgerald Family
M. Gregory Family
Porter Family

Thursday, December 8, 2011

Relief Society

Tami Porter and her committee planned a wonderful evening. We wrapped presents for the angel tree, wrote letters to the missionaries: Koltn Burbank (Oklahoma Tulsa Mission), Arthur Wallis (Buenos Aries, Argentina Mission), Ryan Visser (Oregon Mission), Tony Butterfield (Washington Mission), Mckay Visser (Mexico Mission), Cord Porter (Texas Mission) (he comes home in a few days), and Sarina Burbank who is serving a Logan Temple and Extraction Mission. We decorated pine cones with spray adhesive and then sprinkled them with glitter and tied a bow on top, there were also eatable decorations made on a graham cracker with marshmallows and frosting that were really cute and tasted good. Tami also made a cheese ball in the shape of a snowman that was really cute and also tasted good. It was a fun evening and everyone was so generous to the angels on the angel tree.

Tuesday, December 6, 2011

Sunday, December 4, 2011

Saturday, December 3, 2011