Sunday, November 27, 2011

Sunday, November 20, 2011

Thursday, November 17, 2011

Arrow of Light

Arrow of Light Ceremony for:
Roper Sears,
Colton Jenkins
AJ Moffit
Jaeddenn Bake
Theme: Citizenship
Franklin County Fireman was guest Speaker

Monday, November 14, 2011


James Dougherty
Entered the Marines November 14th, 2011
in Boise Idaho where he is doing his Basic Training.

Thursday, November 10, 2011

RS Thanksgiving

Tonight was a night to share Thanks giving traditions. Some sisters told us things they did together as a family. Mary Lucherini shared how the women cooked and the men did the cleaning. There were also a couple of Christ traditions mentioned. There were displays of different table settings ranging from china and crystal to paper plates. Several sisters were ask to bring a favorite food tradition, among them were jello made from scratch not a box, pumpkin pies, cranberry-orange relish after Thanksgiving casserole and several other delicious foods. It was a fun night to hear about different traditions and enjoy visiting with each other. We also put several school kits together as well as tying a quilt.

Wednesday, November 9, 2011

Saturday, November 5, 2011


Seth Burbank
was Baptized and Confirmed by his father
Josh Burbank

Tuesday, November 1, 2011

YW Activities for Nov

November 1st – YW Combined Activity- Cupcake Wars. The YW were given a theme with limits and ideas, they split into their classes went to the designated homes and baked and decorated their cupcakes to their individual class speculations. They had a certain time limit, they met back at the church to have the cupcakes judged. Judges were: Alicia Crittenden, Jared Ray ,& Randy Oliverson. Laurel received the Best Cake Flavor Award. The Miamaids received the Best Frosting Award. The Beehives received the Best Design Award.