Saturday, August 13, 2011

Ward Service Project

The ward went to Rodger and Anna Bowcut's home to help clean there yard. Rodger has not been feeling well. The ward jumped in to help out and do some things for them that he was not able to do.

Summer Camp at Camp Loll

Summer Camp

August 8-13th

The scouts worked on there merit badges
Luke Wallis and Seth Gregory received there climbing merit badge
Bracken Hyer, and Kaden Hubbard Aquatics merit badge
(Note the water was very very cold)
Braden Olsen did great at Environmental Science Merit Bag

All the other boys had a great time and came out with lots of merit badges

While the Deacons worked on there merit badges the Teachers and Priest did lots of backpacking, climbing, rappelling, black powder shooting, sailing, and other high adventure fun!

Thursday, August 11, 2011

Relief Society

Tonight's Relief Society was held in the pavilion. Verlene Knapp demonstrated some canning and harvesting tips. Not to many attended, I guess it was a busy time of the year, however the evening was enjoyed and was insightful to those who attended.

Wednesday, August 10, 2011

Stake Activity Day

The Stake Primary put together a Activity Day for the Stake. It was on the B's. They watched a little movie about the B's. Then they had different booths that they went to to learn more about each B.

Saturday, August 6, 2011


Rylie Ann Galloway
Was baptized and confirmed August 6, 2011
by her father Porter Val Galloway

Aspen Sears