Monday, June 27, 2011

Ward Sand Bagging round 2

The river was rising fast and hurting some of the homes in the canyon. We all got together again and bagged and delivered the bags.

Thursday, June 23, 2011

Bike Rodeo

Talked about bike safety, got bikes checked, they went on a obstacle corse
Braden Morrison Bridge Ceremony

Sunday, June 12, 2011

YW Activities for June

June 4th – Stake held annual Super Saturday. We met at the pavilion by the stake center had a breakfast and devotional then we split into about 10 different groups to go do service projects for the wards.

June 12th – We were able to attend a special youth devotional for the stake. Elder Carl B. Cook of the Seventy was the guest speaker.

Saturday, June 11, 2011

Elder Koltn Burbank

Elder Kolton Burbank
Was called to the Oklahoma Tulsa Mission
He departed August 17th 2011
He went to the Logan Temple
11th Of June 2011

Thursday, June 9, 2011

RS Mother - Son Night

Tonight at our night time Relief Society meeting we met with the mothers and their sons. It was well attended and the oldest mother there; Vaudis Porter brought her son Max Sharp with her. It made it quite special for all involved to see them come to Relief Society. Some of the activities included: putting a pipe cleaner through a ice-cream cone and covering it with peanut butter and then bird seed, a nice bird feeder to hang in the trees. There was also a nature hike with a list of items to be found that was enjoyed by many. Then a hot dog and marshmallow roast to finish off the night.