Sunday, March 27, 2011

Baby Blessings

Zoey Blessed by her dad Kyle Knapp
Emma Rose Wilson blessed by her dad Andrew Wilson

New Beginning

New Beginnings
27 Dresses

Bishop Burbank spoke to the Young Women
Sherlene Halford is the Personal Progress leader and she spoke to the Young Women about doing their personal progress on line.

Laurels spot light New Beehives

Jill Knapp and Becca Visser
Sydney Oliverson and Josie Haslem
Haley Taggert and Cody Ann Jenkins
Brixel Burbank and Amelia Wallis

Friday, March 18, 2011

High Priest Party

The High Priest Party was great fun!
They enjoyed a great meal together while having Bishop Duncan's Family preform for them! They sang songs and played there guitars.

Saturday, March 12, 2011

Annual Aaronic Priesthood Retreat

Annual Aaronic Priesthood Retreat for all Aaroic Priesthood boys and their fathers and leaders will be held March 11th-12th at Cub River Guest Ranch at Deer Cliff.

Thursday, March 10, 2011

RS Birthday Party

RS Birthday Party
We had a wonderful chicken dinner, great time visiting and enjoyed Ellen Gregory as our Auction director!

Sunday, March 6, 2011